For a lot of us, a big chunk of our ~
folder is devoted to our shell and our
text editor. Until you’re ready to roll your own setup, these projects make
customization safe and easy.
- Spacemacs (23883 stars) is a Emacs 24 distribution that builds on Evil-mode with ports of popular Vim plugins to closer emulate a Vim environment.
- Doom Emacs (20108 stars) is an Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker.
- Prelude (5155 stars) is an enhanced Emacs 24 distribution that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.
- use-package (4446 stars) is a declaration macro for simplifying your
- Cask (1294 stars) is a package manager for Emacs.
- NvChad (25778 stars) is a Neovim distribution focused on speed and good defaults, with a beautiful UI.
- LunarVim (18713 stars) is another Neovim distribution, geared towards building a community-driven IDE layer.
- lazy.nvim (16678 stars) is a modern plugin manager for Neovim.
- packer.nvim (7995 stars) is a plugin manager. It supports Luarocks dependencies and uses native packages.
- vim-plug (34656 stars) is a simple plugin manager that supports parallel installations / upgrades.
- Vundle (24001 stars) is short for Vim Bundle and is a plugin manager for Vim. It works with Pathogen compatible vim plugins.
- spf13-vim (15564 stars) is Steve Francia’s Vim distribution of vim plugins and resources for Vim, Gvim and MacVim.
- Pathogen (12136 stars) is a plugin manager for Vim.
- Janus (7878 stars) is a distribution of plugins and mappings for Vim, Gvim and MacVim.
- Neobundle (2296 stars) is a next generation Vim plugin manager.
- dotvim (148 stars) is a community driven framework for vim.
- Starship Prompt (47653 stars) is a context-aware and highly customizable prompt for any shell. Has out-of-the-box support for Bash, Fish, PowerShell, Zsh, and more.
- Liquid Prompt (4544 stars) is a full-featured and carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash and ZSH.
- sheldon (1132 stars) A fast, configurable, shell plugin manager
- bash-it (14449 stars) is a “shameless ripoff of oh-my-zsh,” but for bash.
- Oh My Bash (6383 stars) is a bash-shell framework inspired by oh-my-zsh and bash-it.
- Oh My Fish (10699 stars) is a fish-shell framework inspired by oh-my-zsh.
- Fisher (8159 stars) is a package manager for the fish shell.
- oh-my-zsh (176865 stars) is a community-driven framework for managing your ZSH configuration. It bundles 40+ plugins and 80+ themes.
- awesome-zsh-plugins (16059 stars) is a list of ZSH plugins, themes and completions compatible with Zsh frameworks like antigen, oh-my-zsh and zgenom.
- Prezto (14142 stars) is a configuration framework for ZSH. It’s a lightweight alternative to oh-my-zsh with sane defaults, aliases, functions, auto completion, prompt themes and dozens of well documented modules.
- antigen (8169 stars) is a framework for using plugins and themes in your ZSH configuration. It will automatically clone repositories containing the plugins you’re using without you having to manually create submodules or clones, and supports using oh-my-zsh plugins and themes as well as ones published as separate repositories.
- zplug (5880 stars) is a next-generation plugin manager for ZSH. There is more to a ZSH plugin manager than increasing its speed. Also, there is nothing that zplug cannnot do.
- zgen (1506 stars) is a lightweight plugin manager for ZSH inspired by Antigen. The goal is to have a minimal overhead when starting up the shell because nobody likes waiting. Zgen will also automatically handle cloning repositories for plugins you’re using without you manually maintaining submodules or clones, and can use oh-my-zsh and Prezto compliant plugins and themes. zgen is no longer being maintained, we recommend switching to use the zgenom fork.
- antidote (1043 stars) is a feature-complete Zsh implementation of the legacy Antibody plugin manager, which in turn was derived from Antigen. Antidote not only aims to provide continuity for those legacy plugin managers, but also to delight new users with high-performance, easy-to-use Zsh plugin management.
- zsh-quickstart-kit (812 stars) A quickstart for ZSH and zgenom. It includes a zgenom setup, a starter list of plugins, the zsh-users/zsh-completions collection, and the powerlevel10k theme.
- slimzsh (605 stars) is a small starter framework for ZSH that features the pure prompt, syntax highlighting and tab completion.
- zgenom (381 stars) is a lightweight plugin manager for ZSH that is a superset of zgen. It provides simple commands for managing plugins. It clones and installs your plugins and generates a static init script that will source them for you every time you run the shell. We do this to save some startup time by not having to execute time consuming logic (plugin checking, updates, etc) every time a new shell session is started. While this means that you have to manually check for updates (zgenom update) and reset the init script (zgenom reset) whenever you add or remove plugins, it lets us have a minimal overhead when starting up the shell because nobody likes waiting. Zgenom can use oh-my-zsh and Prezto compliant plugins and themes.