You can learn a lot by looking at how other people set up their dotfiles.
Because dotfiles can be highly personalized, not all of these are necessarily
meant to be used “as-is” by others; still, they serve as a useful reference. If
you’d like to add your dotfiles to the list, submit a pull
- Mathias Bynens's dotfiles includes a bootstrap script that rsyncs your repo to your home folder. Mathias’ macOS defaults script is legendary.
- Zach Holman's dotfiles features topical organization, auto sourcing ZSH files, easy ZSH completion extensions, and a local bin folder for executables. The included
will symlink anything ending in .symlink
to your ~
- Yan Pritzker's dotfiles bundles an opinionated set of Vim plugins and ZSH setup all tuned for using Solarized on macOS.
- Dries Vints's dotfiles leverages Brew and mackup to setup an entire macOS environment.
- owl4ce's dotfiles Aesthetic OpenboxWM Environment. The complete setup, including configuration of several apps and shell scripting allows things to change with just one click and from the variables.
- xero's dotfiles are managed with GNU Stow, a free, portable, lightweight symlink farm manager. configs are focused on terminal apps (neovim, zsh, tmux, git, etc), text art, and custom color schemes.
- Ben Alman's dotfiles support different configurations per OS, linking, copying and environment setup.
- Diki Ananta's dotfiles is focused on Window Manager users, especially for i3, and Web developers. It has various configs for standard of window manager.
- Adam Eivy's dotfiles are focused on Automation (no manual install/config) for ZSH and macOS with a friendly bot to guide your way.
- Paul Miller's dotfiles feature greatly customized ZSH with auto-completion and syntax highlighting, a bunch of useful Git extras and colourful themes for macOS Terminal and Sublime Text.
- webpro's dotfiles Dotfiles for macOS. Makefile and Homebrew-based installation, up-to-date and well-organized, weekly tested.
- yutkat's dotfiles My dotfiles containing settings for Neovim, zsh, wezterm and sway working on Arch/Ubuntu/Fedora Linux. Using CI to test and measure startup speed.
- Nikita Sobolev's dotfiles contains Python, Node, and Elixir configurations for macOS alongside with the most user-friendly command line tools for the developer happiness.
- Ian Langworth's dotfiles are designed to work on any platform and be kept in sync across different hosts. With plenty of useful shell aliases and command defaults, it features a simple install script to install itself and stay up-to-date.
- Artem Sapegin's dotfiles with custom ZSH and Terminal/iTerm themes and useful aliases for web developers.
- Eduardo Lundgren's dotfiles are the first JavaScript-based dotfiles powered by Grunt.
- neeasade's dotfiles utilize a template based theming system, with the ability to switch between themes without restarting programs.
- Nick Plekhanov's dotfiles features properly customized ZSH and iTerm environments, along with Atom editor and Webstorm IDE. As a bonus, included is a set of useful aliases for web developers.
- kutsan's dotfiles includes ongoing configuration files for various interfaces and text-based command-line applications such as vim, ZSH, tmux, ranger, mutt, newsboat and more.
- twpayne's dotfiles Dotfiles, managed with
- felipecrs's dotfiles Bootstrap your Ubuntu in a few minutes!
- Jonas Devlieghere's dotfiles for both macOS and Linux has a little bit of everything for compiler development in the terminal.
- 2KAbhishek's dotfiles Passionately crafted, extensible dotfiles with extensions for multuple platforms (Windows, MacOS, Android), editors (neovim), window managers (sway, awesome) and more.
- Rosco Kalis's dotfiles feature Fish shell configuration with custom completions, as well as comprehensive package management, repository management and Hammerspoon configuration.
- renemarc's dotfiles ~/. Cross-platform, cross-shell configuration files. ⚙️💻
- g6ai's dotfiles My dotfiles for Bash/Zsh, Vim/Neovim, Doom Emacs, tmux, Git, terminal emulators, JupyterLab, aria2 and mpv
- Voku's dotfiles dotfiles for Bash (Linux) / ZSH (Linux) / Git Bash (Windows) / Cygwin (Windows) / Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.
- posquit0's dotfiles contains awesome configurations for CLI commands and X environments, along with powerfully customized Vim, ZSH and Tmux environments for nerds.
- Kraymer's dotfiles is an opinionated dotfiles organization scheme based on GNU Stow. Highest priorities are ease of maintenance and deployment on both Linux and macOS.
- BachoSeven's dotfiles Minimal dwm setup with batteries included - from a functional and mouse-friendly status bar using POSIX-compliant scripts to a powerful zsh configuration with vim-like bindings and custom plugins.
- narze's dotfiles macOS / Codespaces dotfiles with 1-line setup script. Tested on Apple Silicon Macs. Supports both zsh and fish. Now managed with
- Huy Vo's dotfiles is a lightweight yet powerful dotfiles for MacOS users. It uses GNU Stow to manage the symlinks, ZSH as the shell environment and Nvim + Tmux for the coding (along with other useful tools).
- benmezger's dotfiles My collection of dotfiles
- szorfein's dotfiles Use chezmoi to install my dotfiles easily on Gentoo, Arch, Void and Debian.
- Nelson Estevão's dotfiles uses a modular repository structure. It features configuration files for popular software like neovim, ZSH and i3wm. Just delete the directories that you are not interested and run
- liskin's dotfiles is a setup based on Makefiles and git submodules. Highlights: documented xmonad setup, concurrent systemd-based X11 sessions, tons of useful tiny shell scripts and vim plugins.
- Matt Smith's dotfiles includes a one-liner install, fish, vscode, mac desktop app installs via brew cask, os x customizations inspired by Mathias, etc. No dotfiles framework, just shell scripts to set everything up.
- Ashish Bhatia's dotfiles focus on Android development, reverse engineering and blockchain (crypto currencies) development on macOS.
- ayoisaiah's dotfiles Ongoing configuration files and scripts for Ubuntu, Fish shell, Git, WSL and Neovim.
- Jogendra's dotfiles contains freshly brewed configuration files for various CLI applications based on macOS. With plenty of useful shell/Git aliases, shell scripts, AppleScripts and command defaults, it features beautifully customised ZSH and iTerm2 environments.
- Andrew Schwartzmeyer's dotfiles use GNU Stow (like xero’s) for symlink management, and
for repository integration.
- mihaliak's dotfiles for macOS focused on Web development
- aeolyus's dotfiles simple dotfiles managed with GNU stow
- Darryl Abbate's dotfiles can be installed with a single curl command for absolutely effortless setup on a fresh macOS machine.
- rafamadriz's dotfiles There’s lots of configurations out there, but this one is mine.
- kornicameister's dotfiles started as a collection of manually creafted bash scripts slowing moving toward proper dotfiles utilizing ZSH (with Prezto), Pyenv, Nodenv, Terminator, Git and VIM/Neovim configuration. Everything controlled via dotbot and automated down to generating GPG key to sign commit, upgrading local environment via own binary and dependencies management via dependabot.
- Overbryd's dotfiles features a 0-100 macOS bootstrap and topical setup maintained with a simple Makefile
- Alexey Nikiforov's dotfiles facilitates development with WSL + ZSH. Installs major dependencies and handy tools for .NET developer.
- Andrew Liu's dotfiles combines configs for zsh, vim, and tmux with customizations such as airline for vim and the Powerlevel10k zsh theme. Includes custom font glyphs and optional fzf/ripgrep support in vim. A one-liner installation script comes as part of the package.
- Alexandros Kozak's dotfiles focus on efficient use of zsh/vim/tmux while emphasizing cross-system compatibility for Linux, the BSDs, Solaris, and Windows (MSYS2/Cygwin/WSL).
installs whichever dotfiles are appropriate for shells and for software installed on any system, and running the update_dotfiles
function in any POSIX-compliant shell will keep the dotfiles up to date.
- Aditya Pillai's dotfiles is a user-tailored customizable bootstrap installation script for macOS (formerly Mac OS X). Jumpstart is a fully-fledged tool that quickly installs a development setup to your macOS computer and replaces the need for manually setting up dotfiles. Jumpstart implements the best practices and setups for all-around development environment.
- Jeff Coffler's dotfiles has a bootstrap script that symlinks and doesn’t require “.” (hidden file) in the repo. The repo itself can live anywhere.
- Felix Volny's dotfiles is a one-script install to setup a complete JavaScript development environment on MacOS, including tmux, neovim, ZSH, and iterm2 configuration.
- ridhwaans's dotfiles for Mac and Windows with Linux has a focus on using virtual environments across different projects in development, with ZSH and iTerm2 defaults.
- frdmn's dotfiles Well-maintained dotfile setup for macOS workstations based on Ansible.
- cvuorinen's dotfiles dotfiles managed with dotbot, includes zsh with powerlevel9k theme & tmux etc.
- Cristian PB's dotfiles i3, polybar, mbsync, mutt, ranger, nvim dotfiles installed using stow.
- Bradford Dabbs's dotfiles uses a simple shell script to setup bash-it and vim-plug along with the solarized color scheme and aliases for Zeek NSM.
- Mateus Revoredo's dotfiles A thoroughly documented repository that features an automatic machine bootstraper written in Ansible that installs and configures effortlessly multiple command line and grapical interface applications on macOS & Linux as well as a lightweight ZSH config using a custom “no-framework” approach.
- matBRGZ's dotfiles
A configurable extensible and future-proof dotfile for my work environment |
Lastest Ubuntu & Windows & WSL2 |
- Angelo Dini's dotfiles provide a modular setup to automatically install and configure git, homebrew, node, python, vim, vscode and zsh amongst others. Read more on his blog.
- Ace Cassidy's dotfiles has configurations for bash, vscode, gitconfig, and an xmodmap script to allow holding capslock to turn hjkl into arrow keys in any application.
- Thuan Pham's dotfiles Config file (nvim,zsh,tmux,kitty,…). [Target] be as lazy as possible.
- Alex Kramer's dotfiles Super duper dotfiles for bash/git/vim with (safe) installation script. Includes all the best aliases for bash/git (try
git la
and weather
) and fancy bash prompt built for legibility and speed with timestamp, path, current git branch/status, and bonus pizza! Readme also includes install instructions for vim plugins and setup for OSX/macOS fresh install.
- Volodymyr Pivoshenko's dotfiles dotfiles for the developer happiness macOS, zsh, brew, VSCode, Python, Rust. Main principles are one style - JetBrainsMono font and Catppuccin color palette; minimalism in everything; simplicity; consistency; reduced visual noise.
- Roger Oba's dotfiles bundles dotfiles as well as a handful of scripts to help set up macOS from scratch. It also includes a lean version of Mathias’ macOS defaults script.
- Neos21's dotfiles Dotfiles for Windows GitBash, WSL, Ubuntu, MacOS.
- exshak's dotfiles Custom configs for macOS & Linux ~ brew, osx, tmux, vim, zsh, bash.
- codingjerk's dotfiles Managed with git and environment variables (XDG_*) only, contains settings for neovim, zsh, i3, bspwm, tmux, htop, git, and more.
- Mohit Singh's dotfiles has a lightweight setup for JavaScript development environment on macOS.
- Abdullah's dotfiles
- Kyle Westhaus's dotfiles include .files and other system-wide configuration files for a healthy Linux system
- Koen Vendrik's dotfiles are a collection of aliases and methods that are most useful for speeding up a front-end web development workflow. They speed up many different processes, from working with Git and Github to converting screen recordings into gifs and managing network processes.
- Anders Ballegaard's dotfiles Mostly custom aliases I find useful for network engineering, and Python development. Oh and it updates automatically
- karras's dotfiles Keeps the home directory as clean as possible by storing all dotfiles in
- TED Vortex's dotfiles A utility first dev tooling repo with dotbot, zsh, antibody, defaults, plist, fonts, git-extras, atom, pip, npm, cargo, go, karabiner, carpalx full optimisation.
- Skenvy's dotfiles This is my dotfile repository. It follows the “$HOME is a repo” pattern, with bells attached. My way of maintaining both “personal” dotfiles, and “work” dotfiles from roughly the same place.
- Kamil Zabielski's dotfiles contains configuration files for various terminal applications based on OSX.